Taking a Short Break

I am writing a short post today to share with you a few things that I made last month. As the mask orders started coming in (the governor of VA mandated wearing of masks in public businesses last week), I realized that my plan of detailed posting about the items I had created with linen recently would have to be put aside for the time, but I will share a preview with you now.

In case you missed my post about my recent discovery of linen, you can find that post by clicking HERE.

My mom informed me that our garden greens were growing fast and needed to be picked. So one Saturday afternoon, I made some linen produce bags to use for harvesting them. I made one drawstring bag that I knew would be large enough to hold asparagus, which is growing in my brother and sister-in-law’s garden, and then because I was in a hurry, I made the other bags with fold-down tops, which is a faster technique.

While picking the spinach, lettuce, and kale, I quickly realized that I had made the bags too small to hold all of the bounty of the garden! I will need to make some more for myself to use this summer. That evening I came home and posted this picture on Instagram:


I was surprised by the positive response! I had several people interested in purchasing them. I haven’t listed them on Etsy yet; however, someone did place an order for a drawstring bag through Instagram. Based on her review of the bag, I will be making more of the these to sell in the future.


Also, one evening, I was creating some projects to send out as happy mail, and decided to make this lavender sachet with linen scraps:


At some point in the future, I plan to develop a product line using this concept, so please stay tuned as I share updates.

And finally, due to the number of masks that I need to make at this time, I don’t know when I will be posting here again. But as soon as I can, I will be back!

In the meantime, I encourage you to let your light shine in this dark time in our country. Stay safe; stay well and pray that hearts will change.
